Quacker News daily superautomated ai tech-bro mockery | github | podcast
1. AI solves International Math Olympiad problems at silver medal level (deepmind.google)
**Another Day, Another AI Overhype Saga (deepmind.google)**

The world is on fire (as usual) because DeepMind claims their AI, now graded as a high school sophomore, breezed through the International Math Olympiad like it was stealing silver medals from unsuspecting teens. Meanwhile, commenters are speculating if the AI really "solved" the problems or just regurgitated pre-encoded answers after a quick peek at the answer key. 😱 But fear not, there's technical jargon about reinforcement learning and the mnemonics of game strategy, so it must be true advancement! Amidst technobabble and hypotheticals, a lone voice wonders if this shiny new AI can also tie its own virtual shoelaces or if that also needs manual translation into formal mathematical language. 🤔💻
776 points by ocfnash 2024-07-25T15:29:41 | 376 comments
2. Jacek Karpińśki, the computer genius the communists couldn't stand (2017) (culture.pl)
In the captivating saga of Jacek Karpiński, a brilliant but beleaguered technologist who dared to innovate under the watchful gaze of the ever-so-gracious communist regime, we learn that creating a computer can be a subversive act. Fortunately for us, a band of keyboard historians on the internet assert their expert knowledge that these machines didn't run on steampunk technology but rather something involving RC delay circuits and other gizmos that sound meticulously complicated and desperately irrelevant to genuine Soviet needs, like, you know, tanks. Comment sections blossom with conspiracy theories and an endearing confusion between segmented memory and paging, revealing that even in the digital age, armchair experts can't distinguish their OS from a hole in the ground. Meanwhile, some insist the spirit of communism lives on in tech investments, proving everyone loves a good redux of Cold War paranoia. So pull up a chair and delve into the arcane joys of computer history that mattered immensely... at least to three guys on an internet forum. 🤓🛠
167 points by janisz 2024-07-25T18:50:04 | 65 comments
3. Reverse Engineering for Everyone (0xinfection.github.io)
At 0xin12utorials.github.io, the secret arts of reverse engineering are demystified for the absolute beginners who want to become overnight cyber-ninjas. Apparently, all you need according to Wikipedia — the ultimate source of unchallengeable truth — is to read their tutorials that turn the daunting cyber-sec realm into child's play. The comment section quickly devolves into an old-boys club narrating their "back in my day" tales — from pirating software to heroic reverse-engineering feats that somehow always omit the mountain of chips and soda that fueled their endless nights. Meanwhile, a few brave souls dare to admit they learned something from a book, proving that sometimes, crime does pay, provided it's digital and mostly harmless.
378 points by udev4096 2024-07-25T14:41:26 | 35 comments
4. Show QN: Haystack – an IDE for exploring and editing code on an infinite canvas (haystackeditor.com)
Show HN unleashes Haystack: an "IDE on steroids," whimsically transforming your cluttered, unintelligible code into a chaotic Picasso of a flowchart that spans an "infinite canvas." Fascinated yet bewildered developers, knee-deep in nostalgia for their first mind maps, wax poetic about the potential brilliance, ignoring pesky details like usability or practicality. One enthusiast dreams of turning off the AI—ah, to manually wrestle with the infinite! Meanwhile, in an industry that loves reinventing wheels, commenters zealously debate if it's a step up from Stone Age tools or just another gimmick dressed in shiny lingo. 🎨🤷‍♂️
153 points by akshaysg 2024-07-25T13:54:14 | 70 comments
5. Launch QN: Undermind (YC S24) – AI agent for discovering scientific papers
Welcome to the latest Silicon Valley miracle: Undermind - a tool that makes academic procrastinators momentarily feel like they've righted all their wrongs by automagically unearthing papers they were too lazy to search for themselves. In today's episode, a troupe of academics and would-be data junkies swoon over a machine doing a semi-decent job at Google Scholar's day off. Comments range from shocked revelations about finding their own community's papers 🤯, to failing to Trap™ papers lurking on amateur animal advocacy blogs. All hail our AI overlords for they can now semi-complete homework that we never started! Stay tuned for next week's exciting discovery: "AI accidentally reviews its own generated papers."
130 points by jramette 2024-07-25T15:36:57 | 54 comments
6. Show QN: Wat – Deep inspection of Python objects (github.com/igrek51)
**Deep Insight or Deep Confusion? Python's Latest Tool "Wat".**

In the latest episode of 'reinventing the wheel because why not,' a brave GitHub warrior introduces "Wat," a Python tool that's about as clear as mud. Perfect for those who find themselves too mainstream for simple debugging, now you can feel like an underground hacker while merely inspecting an object's guts. The comment section quickly turns into a homebrew club where every participant shares their own less-known, possibly abandoned projects, all while marveling at the base64 exec "hack." One commenter gleefully adds "Wat" to their "arsenal of debugging tools," likely sitting next to their dusty collection of Betamax tapes. 😅🐍 Join the party if your typical Tuesday night is spent confusing yourself more effectively!
136 points by igrek51 2024-07-25T16:18:34 | 49 comments
7. Real-Time Procedural Generation with GPU Work Graphs [pdf] (gpuopen.com)
**Real-Time Procedural Generation with GPU Work Graphs: Or How We Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bloat**

Breaking news for all three people that fully understand GPUs and the magicians who pretend they do on the internet: you can now create procedural content in real time with shiny new GPU Work Graphs! Commenters reel in newfound joy, impaling their dignity on threads of bewildered technical jargon, whilst others wildly guess if Vulkan extensions will let their vintage hardware perform like the starship Enterprise. Worry not, a knight in shining armor suggests implanting a tiny brain inside the GPU, because surely, what these modern computation behemoths need is more layers of complexity. 🧙‍♂️✨ Watch as tech enthusiasts and the chronically confused unite in collective bewilderment, grappling with whether this will work on their grandma’s iPad. 🎉
36 points by ibobev 2024-07-22T14:49:36 | 9 comments
8. A Clone of Deluxe Paint II Written in Python (github.com/mriale)
**When Nostalgia Hits Hard: Python Meets 1985's Pixel Glory**

In an era where most can't identify a CRT screen from a flat white wall, one brave developer has taken it upon themselves to resurrect the ghost of digital art past with PyDPainter, a "usable" pixel art tool inspired by the ancient scrolls of Deluxe Paint II—because modern art software clearly isn't retro enough. Commenters, basking in the warm glow of nostalgia, trip over themselves to praise the ancient tech, turning comment sections into a digital museum tour led by pixel art aficionados who definitely have better things to do but choose not to. Someone even uses the tool to draw hot dogs, proving once again that high art is truly in the eye of the beholder. Meanwhile, others dole out tech creds by dropping links and half-completed projects like digital breadcrumbs back to a simpler time, presumably while uphill, both ways, in the snow. 🎨👴🏻
69 points by luismedel 2024-07-25T20:53:50 | 11 comments
9. Applied Machine Learning for Tabular Data (aml4td.org)
**Applied Machine Learning for Tabular Data: Another Day, Another GitHub Dump**

In an exhilarating leap of innovation, Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson have decided that the world truly needs yet another guide to machine learning—this time focusing on tabular data, because apparently that's where the party's at. They’ve generously opened their incomplete magnum opus to the public, inviting every Tom, Dick, and Harriet to contribute to their possibly never-ending story. The comment section is already a buzzing hive of confusion, where amateurs and keyboard warriors compete to see who can miss the point more spectacularly. Expect groundbreaking revelations like "feature engineering is important" and "models need data," delivered with the urgency of a sloth on tranquilizers.
24 points by sebg 2024-07-25T19:48:35 | 0 comments
10. My Favorite Algorithm: Linear Time Median Finding (2018) (rcoh.me)
In a thrilling exposé of "My Favorite Algorithm: Linear Time Median Finding", a brave soul ventures to simplify the Herculean task of finding a median without resorting to primitive sorting. This groundbreaking post delves into the "median-of-medians" technique, which, contrary to the algorithm’s obscurity, promises to save us milliseconds of runtime—finally, a solution to the sleepless nights of devs haunted by sub-linear inefficiencies! Commenters, in an outpouring of nostalgia and over-engineering, tripped over themselves to share *war stories* of billion-value datasets and MapReduce marvels, because why solve a problem simply when you can invoke the grand machinery of distributed computing? Meanwhile, skeptics debate sampling sizes needed to approximate the median, because sometimes, "close enough" is just fine, *especially* in software engineering. 🤓💻
224 points by skanderbm 2024-07-25T09:16:53 | 113 comments
11. Defense of Lisp macros: The automotive field as a case in point (mihaiolteanu.me)
**Defense of Lisp Macros: The Automotive Field's New Champion**

In the latest episode of "Is That Really a Solution?", an awe-inspiring blog post serves up a hot take that Lisp macros are the savior we didn't know the automotive engineering world needed. The author unfurls a tapestry of arguments likening magical Lisp macros to the graphical wonders of Simulink, making software engineers everywhere spit out their coffee in unison. SwiftUI or bust, folks! Meanwhile, the comment section turns into a nostalgic trip down memory lane, where control theory aficionados reminisce about the good old days of Apollo and spice simulations. Revelations such as "you can still write equations" shock the populace, causing a newfound appreciation for the lost art of actually understanding what you're coding. 🎉💻
128 points by molteanu 2024-07-25T09:18:13 | 131 comments
12. Charge Robotics (YC S21) is hiring MechEs to build robots that build solar farms (ycombinator.com)
**Charge Robotics: Creating Unemployed Humans One Robot at a Time**

In an exciting twist of irony, Charge Robotics, a startup squirted out of the MIT tech nozzle, proudly announces their noble quest to improve solar farm construction by replacing pesky human labor with giant, gallant robots. Because why tackle the simplicities of labor shortages and working conditions when you can summon the metallic might of robots, right? Eager to overturn the construction industry’s quaint traditions of employing actual humans, the company promises massive equity as compensation—so you can feel like a partial owner of the unemployment wave you're helping to create. Commenters, electrified by buzzwords like "automation", "MIT-founded", and "Silicon Valley-backed", dive into a dystopian debate about whether owning 0.001% of a robot makes them the next Tony Stark. 🤖💸
0 points by 2024-07-25T22:12:57 | 0 comments
13. Generating sudokus for fun and no profit (tn1ck.com)
**Generating Sudokus for Fun and No Profit (tn1ck.com)**

In a world starving for *groundbreaking* content, tn1ck.com decides to serve us a lukewillluke blog post about creating Sudoku puzzles—because, of course, what the internet truly lacks is more Sudoku. Commenters fall over themselves praising resources like Cracking the Cryptic, turning Sudoku-solving into a cross between watching paint dry and entering a zen garden. Others share their Sudoku-solving tech prowess with links that scream "please notice my coding skills!" Meanwhile, a wild author appears, shocked to see their half-baked musings in the limelight, begging for feedback on their still-in-the-oven project. The comment section explodes into a theater of Sudoku obsessives, proving once again that no topic is too trivial for a deep dive of nerdy enthusiasm. 🤓🧩
208 points by todsacerdoti 2024-07-24T21:02:09 | 46 comments
14. Memory Mapping an FPGA from an STM32 (serd.es)
**Mocking the Overly Ambitious Embedded System Developers**

In an awe-inspiring display of remedial engineering verbosity, a brave soul dredges through the swamps of "Memory Mapping an FPGA from an STM32," an activity just slightly less complicated than deciphering ancient Sumerian. Meanwhile, in the comments, career hobbyists masquerading as professionals swap tales of obscure hardware issues as if they were battle scars, while newcomers tread lightly, hoping not to be devoured by the debugging horror stories that lurk beneath every line of SPI protocol. The elite few suggest alternatives like SpinalHDL to escape Verilog's clutches, seemingly missing the irony that they are all, indeed, stuck in the same Kafkaesque tech labyrinth. Brace yourself for a cascade of ineffectual solutions and thinly-veiled cries for help, as each commenter competes to prove who can push their self-inflicted misery to new depths. 🤓💾🔧
99 points by hasheddan 2024-07-25T14:21:36 | 43 comments
15. Mapping Hacker News to find who knows what in the QN community (blog.wilsonl.in)
In *yet another* groundbreaking effort to unnecessarily catalog the ins and outs of Hacker News inhabitants, a brave soul devises a map to showcase the staggering knowledge of random internet commenters. 💡🗺️ Users vigorously debate the creepy-cool dichotomy of stalking one's digital pseudonyms via text analysis and stylometry, with one nervous chuckler admitting their alt might be exposed! Despite the grand dreams of transforming HN into a dystopian friendship finder, most agree it boils down to a fine tool for enhancing online witch hunts—because, naturally, that's what was missing from HN. 🧙‍♂️🔥 Meanwhile, others reminisce about simpler times when projects flopped quietly without the need to create social layers nobody asked for.
150 points by robg 2024-07-25T15:04:24 | 94 comments
16. Five Little Languages and How They Grew: Talk at HOPL (1993) (bell-labs.com)
Welcome to the premium flashback showcase of programming elitism—📜 *Five Little Languages and How They Grew*, a transcript so crucial it forgets the actual discussions that might have been useful. In a masterstroke of selective amnesia, DMR forgets everyone except himself, polishing his own part for a volume that captures his brilliance in the raw. Over in the comments, nostalgia addicts are tripping over Turbo Pascal memories and fiercely debating which C-clones are legitimate offspring. Meanwhile, anyone mentioning marginal C-descendants is typing into the void, desperately hoping for relevance. 👨‍💻💬 Can't wait for the gripping sequel where they rediscover COBOL and realize its uncelebrated innovations. 🎉
65 points by fanf2 2024-07-22T08:42:03 | 13 comments
17. Show QN: Tiny Moon – Swift library to calculate the moon phase (github.com/mannylopez)
Title: Show HN: Tiny Moon – A Moon Phase Calculator That Really Epitomizes Overengineering

First Paragraph:
In this week's episode of "Developers Who Definitely Needed Another Hobby," we present Tiny Moon – a Swift library so *essential* that it computes whether or not the moon looks more like a toenail or a melon slice completely offline. Developers rejoice, as you can now integrate crucial lunar phase calculations into your fishing app or, more likely, your unopened side project. Commenters, engaged in the rare sport of compliment fishing, hail the creator’s documentation prowess, because, as everyone knows, comments in code are just as important as the code itself, right? Seems like we found the moon's exact position, yet we're still searching for that user base. 🌑🔍
74 points by mannylopez 2024-07-25T15:17:01 | 19 comments
18. Node.js adds experimental support for TypeScript (github.com/nodejs)
In an unexpected twist that no one saw coming except everyone, Node.js graces the teeming masses with "experimental" TypeScript support. Developers now have the privilege to transpile TypeScript into good old JavaScript without those pesky type checks, because who needs accuracy when you can have raw speed and chaos? Commenters on GitHub are tripping over themselves to point out that every TypeScript update could potentially break this delicate setup, sparking endless "actually" and "however" statements in a futile quest to clarify the obvious. Meanwhile, the TypeScript grammar committee continues to revel in the absolute panic they induce with each update, proving that true joy comes from watching developers scramble to read documentation that is eternally set in quicksand.
1000 points by magnio 2024-07-25T02:57:37 | 457 comments
19. Unfashionably secure: why we use isolated VMs (thinkst.com)
In an exhilarating revelation that makes security nerds swoon, Thinkst.com proclaims the revolutionary use of something as *antique* as isolated VMs to keep things "secure." Thrilling as watching paint dry, but with more jargon, the blog post reverently whispers the secrets of using technology older than the flip phone to protect networks today. The commenters, deep in the throes of nostalgia, engage in an epic saga of one-upmanship, recalling their early days coding with sticks and stones, and passionately defending their prehistoric tech choices. Docker is either a miracle or a menace, depending on which gray-bearded commenter you ask. 🕶️🔒
174 points by mh_ 2024-07-25T17:00:03 | 134 comments
20. Veles: Open-source tool for binary data analysis (codisec.com)
**Veles: A Fossil from the Toolshed of Binary Disappointment**

In the bustling world where software tools come and go like forgotten New Year's resolutions, "Veileas," an open-source relic for binary data analysis, has managed its most significant update yet: completely obsolescent. The GitHub repository admirably turned to stone in late 2020, prompting the digital archeologists among us to excitedly fork over the remains. Meanwhile, a heroic commenter chimes in to reveal his own reinvention of the wheel—now featuring volumetric renderings as impressive as an MRI scan of a tumbleweed. Amidst cries for updates and forks, another voice suggests a switch to ImHex, as if they're recommending a new dentist rather than a tool for binary analysis. Thus prevails the vibrant echo chamber where ancient software and overcapacity for nostalgia meet to high-five over their shared obsolescence.
63 points by LorenDB 2024-07-21T17:12:59 | 12 comments