Quacker News daily superautomated ai tech-bro mockery | github | podcast
1. Generating Simpson's Paradox with Z3 (kevinlynagh.com)
At kevinlynagh.com, another tech enthusiast throws the Z3 Theorem Prover at a baseball conundrum right out of a middle school textbook, sparking intense enlightenment about Simpson’s Paradox—because nothing says "innovative tech use" like simulating simplified sports scenarios. Commenters leap at the chance to one-up each other, illustrating their profound grasp on statistics with examples pulled from every imaginable corner of irrelevance—because if you can’t confuse a casual observer with your intellectual digression, are you even trying? One proud mathematician redefines paradoxes, apparently trying to recalibrate dictionaries everywhere. If you enjoy pseudo-intellectual musings thinly veiled as content, and lots of links for that sweet, sweet affiliate cash, this blog might just be your new favorite thing. 🤓💸
62 points by surprisetalk 2024-08-11T21:53:14 | 10 comments
2. Verso – web browser built on top of the Servo web engine (github.com/versotile-org)
Title: "Verso - Because the world needed another half-baked browser"

In an admirable attempt to reinvent the wheel, a band of intrepid developers introduces Verso, yet another browser pledging allegiance to the obscurest corners of open-source technology. Not accepting any feature requests (because who really wants user feedback when you're building the digital equivalent of a unicorn?), the Verso team solemnly invites everyone to help test their perpetually 'under development' marvel. Meanwhile, the comment section metamorphoses into a tech utopia where enthusiasts fantasize about a future where every operating system comes with its bespoke, buggy web browser. Keep two aspirins and your legacy browsers handy, folks—you might need them if you plan on actually browsing the web. 🦄💻
592 points by pabs3 2024-08-11T12:34:41 | 202 comments
3. Adbfs-rootless – Mount Android phones on Linux with adb. No root required (github.com/spion)
**Everyone's a Kernel Expert** - A bunch of heroic keyboard warriors at Hacker News discovered another groundbreaking tool: adbfs-rootless, which promises to mount your Android phone to Linux with *zero* root privileges. Excitement ensued as the only requirement appeared to be clairvoyance in USB debugging, a PhD in dependencies, and sacrificing your firstborn to the FUSE gods. The creator popped in, announcing he’d forgotten about the project while being busy not improving it. Meanwhile, the comment section turned into a tech support group trying to decide whether the software is useless or just mostly useless, with low-grade reminiscing about every slightly relevant tool they used since 2003. "No exploits here", they clarified; truly, the only thing exploited here is user optimism. 😅
60 points by peter_d_sherman 2024-08-11T20:22:11 | 7 comments
4. China's total wind and solar capacity outstrips coal (renewablesnow.com)
In an electrifying turn of events, China’s wind and sun-powered escapade allegedly dethrones smoggy old coal as the cool kid on the energy block, says a blog post nobody fact-checked. Internet experts, armed with bad math and eco-buzzwords, celebrate this twilight saga of renewables biting the fossil fuel dust, ignoring minor nuisances like solar only working when the sun deigns to shine. Meanwhile, the comment section morphs into a grand arena of armchair energy professionals squabbling over capacity factors, as if bombarding each other with hyperlinks and acronyms will finally crown solar the prom queen of energy sources. If only this much energy was funneled into their comprehension skills! 🌞 vs. ⚫️!
58 points by teractiveodular 2024-08-11T23:54:18 | 26 comments
5. Server Mono: A Typeface Inspired by Typewriters, Apple's SF Mono, and CLIs (servermono.com)
**Typewriter Nostalgia Meets Coding Catastrophe: A Mockumentary**

In the latest typographic misadventure, *Server Mono* stretches to unite the crisp nostalgia of typewriters with the stark functionality of command lines, serving a single-weight circus straight out of Seattle. By mashing Apple's chic SF Mono with a dose of yearning for some ASCII-art arcade, it crafts a marvel that's uniform, predictable, and quaintly orderly—perfect for your nephew’s first ‘Hello, World!’ 🙄 Design enthusiasts Tim and Matthieu (with cheerleading from Jimmy) ensure you can squint at your screen while guessing whether you're looking at an ‘l’, ‘I’, or ‘1’. Meanwhile, battalions of commenters engage in a pixel-perfect joust over misaligned box characters and claustrophobic line heights, delighting in the OTF bait-and-switch that probably renders in Comic Sans on a bad day. "Make fonts unreadable again," they cry, earnestly ignoring the subtle joys of legibility! 🤓
184 points by yankcrime 2024-08-11T16:04:49 | 43 comments
6. The most cited authors in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (schwitzsplinters.blogspot.com)
**Who's Who of Circle-Jerking In Philosophy: A Meticulous Count of Academic Bites and Echoes**

In a riveting display of counting exercises masqueraded as intellectual analytics, here comes the bi-decade cavalcade of the most-cited philosophers since 1900, per the ever-esteemed Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Watch the American philosophical steamroller chug along, flattening nuances and European scholars alike. Commenters chime in with earth-shattering insights like "Quine is ponderous" and the baffling exclusion of quantum noteworthies leaves readers reeling—or not. Dive into this tempest of tedium, adorned with gems such as Plato's conspicuous absence simply because he didn't make the 1900s cut. Who would've thought auditing footnotes could be so exhilarating, yet so pedantically pointless? ⏳📚🌀
23 points by bbor 2024-08-11T04:03:12 | 12 comments
7. Firefox Browser Ported to HaikuOS (haiku-os.org)
**The Return of the Legendary Browser: Firefox Reawakens on HaikuOS**

In an awe-inspiring display of nostalgia mixed with technological resurrection, Firefox has been ported to HaikuOS, sparking joy and confusion among the dozen users of the niche OS. Commenters, trapped in a time warp, engage in heartwarming yet utterly pointless debates over browser genealogy, reminiscing about the days when Firebird wasn't a database and Phoenix wasn't just a BIOS manufacturer. Meanwhile, the actual state of the Firefox port, unable to even render text, is glossed over with optimistic tech jargon suggesting that fixing it “should be easy”—because if decades of software development have taught us anything, it's that everything is always easier said than done. So gather 'round, old timers and newbies, to witness this majestic blend of past glory and present futility, wrapped in the warm, fuzzy blanket of open-source camaraderie. 🎉🔥👓
407 points by return_0e 2024-08-11T08:23:43 | 161 comments
8. Show QN: My 70 year old grandma is learning to code and made a word game (grandmasword.com)
Title: Show HN: *Grandma Strikes Back: Syntax Error Style*

In a touching story of generational aspiration, a 70-year-old granny dives into the savage world of coding to birth a word game that pits human vocabulary against the blistering pace of a Silicon Valley hackathon. Show HN erupts as Cheeto-fingered commenters transform a simple family project into a full-blown code critique session. “Interesting use of an array” says one aspiring Gates, showcasing a DIY binary search in Python, because why enjoy a game when you can atomize it into a soulless algorithmic challenge? Meanwhile, a bug report on word sorting sparks a heated debate about the ethical implications of alphabetical order, proving once again that no deed—however wholesome—goes unpunished in the Hacker News tribunal. 🤖🔥👵
338 points by lowercarbon 2024-08-11T16:01:50 | 127 comments
9. Things I've learned building a modern TUI Framework (textualize.io)
**The Art and Science of Making Terminals Dance**

In another heartbreaking episode of "Discoveries that no one asked for," Will McGugan unpacks a year’s worth of battles with terminal emulators, just to possibly make a letter blink smoothly on your screen. The crowd is wild, split between nostalgic cries for simpler text interfaces and aggressive suggestions on handling Unicode—a task akin to herding cats high on catnip. As commenters argue passionately about esoteric encoding problems and the right way to shoehorn images into text, everyone seems to miss the point: most users just want things to work without needing to understand the phrase "grapheme clustering." A timeless tale of over-engineering solutions to problems that barely exist, beautifully wrapped in jargon that even Google can't clarify. Bravo, tech! Bravo! 🎭💻
196 points by willm 2024-08-11T12:22:50 | 80 comments
10. Genetics solves a thorny problem: how plants have prickles (cosmosmagazine.com)
In the latest ground-shattering revelation from Cosmos Magazine, scientists apparently had nothing better to do than figure out why plants are so touchy-feely with their prickles. The comment section bursts into a botanical showdown, where enthusiasts duel with the ferocity of a nature documentary over which berry tastes less like cardboard. One genius wants to engineer personal thorn bushes for home security because, obviously, that's easier than buying a lock. Meanwhile, another is obsessively comparing thorn textures—because who doesn't ponder the aerodynamics of plant spikes on a Tuesday afternoon? 🌵🔬
35 points by gmays 2024-08-10T20:46:27 | 4 comments
11. OpenBSD 7.5 via QEMU on Hetzner physical machine (no phys. access / KVM console) (gfuzz.de)
**OpenBSD 7.5 via QEMU on Hetzner "Innovation"**

Today on Hacker News, another intrepid tech wanderer attempts to force-feed OpenBSD 7.5 through QEMU into a Hetzner cage, demonstrating the *pinnacle* of unnecessary complexity. Commenters are divided between offering condolences for the "death of basic usability" and giving each other back-pats for rigging up similar tech Rube Goldberg machines. Meanwhile, Hetzner smiles in the background at the free DIY customer support, and somewhere, a single FreeBSD fan quietly mourns the loss of their mfsbsd image. The cycle of "why do it the easy way when you can complicate it" continues unbroken. 🌀💻🤦‍♂️
61 points by hoschi_ 2024-08-11T19:33:01 | 9 comments
12. Tree Attention: Topology-Aware Decoding for Long-Context (arxiv.org)
In the latest academic clickbait, "Tree Attention: Topology-Aware Decoding for Long-Context," researchers unearth yet another convoluted method to make computers pretend they understand War and Peace—this time with trees! Meanwhile, arXiv champions the noble cause of "open science" by hosting a forum that ensures even your smart fridge can contribute its two cents on quantum mechanics. Commenters are gearing up, split between praising arXiv for its commitment to defeating the digital divide and sketching out their own backyard blueprints for a Large Hadron Collider. Get your popcorn ready—this blend of high-minded ideals and internet pontification is the perfect recipe for a thrilling bout of intellectual shadowboxing. 🍿😎
20 points by diwank 2024-08-11T20:02:58 | 0 comments
13. Segment Anything Model and Friends (lightly.ai)
**Hot Take on "Segment Anything Model and Friends (lightly.ai)"**

The tech world unleashes yet another "groundbreaking" model, promising to change everything in the vision-language processing scene – this time with Segment Anything Model (SAM) and its entourage. Commenters, in a desperate search for clarity amidst the fog of model acronyms, argue over which SAM iteration will save us milliseconds or which will finally let us distinguish a cat from a catastrophic image segmentation fail. One user breathlessly hopes for an 'Efficient SAM 2', because if there's anything more exciting than version 1, it's a slightly faster version 2. 🚀🙄 Meanwhile, the academic community continues to churn out URLs like cryptic runes, hoping someone, somewhere, might actually read them.
61 points by sauravmaheshkar 2024-08-07T12:22:14 | 3 comments
14. Trolltech's Documentation Process (gulbrandsen.priv.no)
In a thrilling twist only achievable by a hero named Documentation Supremo, Trolltech's Documentation Process reminisces about the harrowing early days of Qt with a fondness typically reserved for outdated Τεχ sources. Our intrepid documentarian, wielding the mighty pen of clarification, scribes steadfast through modules and manuals, heroically uplifted by commenters who argue feverishly about Qt's supremacy in the ancient and noble art of being readable. Meanwhile, a silent cry in the wilderness questions the historical accuracy of a blog title, and one stoic commenter, flagged into oblivion, presumably uncovers the true conspiracy behind it all: that the real documentation was the friends we made along the way. 📜😱
32 points by whatever3 2024-08-11T19:27:39 | 11 comments
15. Go structs are copied on assignment (and other things about Go I'd missed) (jvns.ca)
**Go Gurus Grapple with Gaffes: a Casual Comedy**

In an exhilarating display of surprise and ignorance, a self-professed Go "enthusiast" confesses to just now learning that structs in Go are copied on assignment, something that could have been gleaned from a cursory glance at any Intro to Go pamphlet or perhaps from overhearing any conversation near the watercooler at tech conferences. 🙄 Thankfully, the revelation triggered a cascade of admissions among the programming elite on the comments section, where tales of fundamental misunderstandings are worn like badges of honor. Amidst the self-help group vibes, suggestions to read the Go specification sprinkle the discussion like sage advice from those who’ve transcended such earthly confusions. The commenters oscillate between humblebragging about their own gaps in understanding and pedantically explaining core programming concepts, ensuring the thread is as much a support group as it is a technical forum. 🤓📚
61 points by misonic 2024-08-10T04:40:57 | 39 comments
16. Introduction to Golang Preemption Mechanisms (unskilled.blog)
Title: Devs Rediscover How Cpus Work, Go Lang Laughs

In a miraculous reenactment of discovering fire, a heroic blogger bravely attempts to demystify the elegant intricacies of Golang's preemption mechanisms, while inadvertently triggering a holy war in the comment section. Amidst the pixelated bloodshed, software savants argue with the fervor of toddlers over whether the Go runtime should be nanny or just let their precious binaries roam wild across CPU cores. A few enterprising souls pose **_profound_** queries like "Will Go ever learn to count CPUs in a cgroup?", while others wax poetic about apocalyptic scenarios where asynchronous preemption might save the last bytes of their performance-starved applications. Surely, this is what Turing dreamt of—a room full of adults fervently debating how many GOMAXPROCS can dance on the head of a pin. 🤓
49 points by lcof 2024-08-11T17:23:17 | 9 comments
17. Finite State Machine Designer (madebyevan.com)
**Finite State Machine Designer: A Decade-Old Relic Still In Use**

Ah, the glory of _ancient_ web tools! Meet the Finite State Machine Designer (FSMD): a web relic enshrined in the finest HTML5 and JavaScript of the *early 2010s*. Crafted by the legendary Evan Wallace, this tool not only lets you fail at aligning your states with LaTeX, but tantalizes with exports that clearly ignore your most basic spacing needs. Commenters, ever hopeful, clamor for updates like edge snapping and Graphviz support, clinging to the fantasy that anything will change after nearly 15 years. Meanwhile, mobile users experience the height of interactivity by staring at a blank white box—truly, this is **peak** nostalgia. 😂
66 points by gurjeet 2024-08-11T14:48:26 | 15 comments
18. Show QN: Pixeltune, a nicer chiptune and VGM player (pixeltune.org)
Welcome to the latest Hacker News circlejerk, "Pixeltune: Because Old School Is Cool... Until It Loops Forever." Stardust-eyed nostalgists and armchair developers rejoice over yet another music player that no one asked for, promising to immortalize the haunting bleeps and bloops of yesteryear. Commenter #1 kicks off a gripping saga about *infinite looping*, because who wouldn't want to turn their life’s soundtrack into a never-ending auditory Groundhog Day🎵? Meanwhile, Tom from comment #2 is ready to make "midi culture" his personality trait, elevating ancient chiptunes to a cult status usually reserved for dead poets and wine. Somewhere, a Raspberry Pi quietly weeps at its inevitable fate as a $35 chiptune box.
29 points by tomaspollak 2024-08-11T19:42:18 | 5 comments
19. Another variable-length integer encoding (2021) (dcreager.net)
Title: Brave New Wheels for Old Data Chariots

In an epoch-defining outstanding contribution to the thrilling world of binary file formats, one stalwart coder decides to reinvent the wheel—🎉 yet again 🎉—by suggesting a revolutionary method to optimize integer storage. Oxygen, please! The field has never seen such groundbreaking work since yesterday's five-minute hallway discussion on variable-length encoding at the World Navel-Gazing Championships. Thankfully, the spirited comment section unites self-proclaimed experts armed with half-read Wikipedia articles and dog-eared copies of "Computer Science for Absolute Beginners" to dissect, dissect, and dissect the "not-a-compression-scheme" scheme. Amidst the chaos, consensus remains elusive, but everyone agrees on an urgent need to debate which Star Wars character best represents this encoding method—because, priorities.
37 points by fanf2 2024-08-11T17:42:05 | 23 comments
20. Samsung's New EV Battery Tech: 600-Mile Ranges, and 9-Minute Charges? (pcmag.com)
In a desperate bid to keep electrons hip and relevant, Samsung announces a new battery that somehow promises to warp the very fabric of physics: a 600-mile range with a 9-minute charge time. The tech literati, drooling over their keyboards, flood the comments section with their usual blend of unchecked optimism and blatant disregard for the laws of thermodynamics. Amidst the cacophony, one brave soul questions the impact on the power grid, only to be drowned out by a horde of fanboys planning their next cross-country Tesla hunt. 🚗💨💡
17 points by m463 2024-08-11T23:30:33 | 0 comments