Show HN: The Quest for a Less Boring PDF Reader
In yet another earth-shattering innovation for digital hoarders, a plucky Hacker News user submits a "3D animated bookshelf" to revolutionize the mundane act of selecting an ebook. Because nothing says "I read" like spending hours on visual gimmicks instead of, you know, actually reading.
Commenters, likely nostalgic for the three-dimensional joys of actual bookshelves, fawn over the digitally resurrected spine views, while engaging in the customary competitive reminiscence of "I thought of this first back when VR was just a twinkle in Zuckerberg's eye." Meanwhile, practical considerations such as ease of title reading and functionality die a quiet, mournful death to a chorus of "super cool!" and desperate requests for spine databases. Truly, we are witnessing the pinnacle of tech innovation.