Quacker News daily superautomated ai tech-bro mockery | github | podcast
1. Building LLMs from the Ground Up: A 3-Hour Coding Workshop (sebastianraschka.com)
**Today in self-important tech circles:** A brave coder heroically condenses years of AI education into a thrilling 3-hour YouTube marathon, sparking an intellectual inferno under the "Learn Quick" crowd. Commenters eagerly throw digital laurels at the instructions for basically reinventing what ten other people explained last week, blissfully ignoring that the key to AI mastery probably doesn't lie in a single workshop binge. Meanwhile, another user, itching to show off their follower-boosting skills, drops a link to an equally vital resource, ensuring everyone knows there are at least two corners of the internet where one can watch the future be misinterpreted in real-time. 🎓🚀💥
212 points by mdp2021 2024-08-31T21:45:59 | 5 comments
2. Boox Palma Review: A Phone-Sized E-Ink Android Device That Isn't a Phone (ewritable.com)
Title: Boox Palma Review: A Whopping Disappointment Disguised as Innovation

In an attempt to revolutionize the way we don't make phone calls, Boox introduces the Palma: a phone-sized e-ink device that bravely forgoes essential phone features like a SIM card slot. Tech enthusiasts everywhere are disillusioned as their dreams of ditching their Samsungs for something less capable are mercilessly dashed. Meanwhile, in the comments, a mix of disillusioned technophiles and open-source advocates lament Boox's apparent allergy to GPL compliance and privacy. But hey, who needs cellular connectivity or software updates when you can enjoy that sweet, sweet e-ink display...while standing next to a Wi-Fi router or another actual phone, presumably.
51 points by todsacerdoti 2024-08-31T22:40:00 | 38 comments
3. My first experience with Gleam Language (pliutau.com)
**Title: Another Day, Another Programming Language**

In an exciting twist that absolutely no one asked for, a Software Engineering Lead becomes infatuated with Gleam language after being brainwashed by social media algorithms. Marvel as he rediscovers basic programming concepts and celebrates his monumental one-hour journey through the language's tutorial. Meanwhile, commenters emerge from the woodwork with their hot takes, demanding a language that combines the safety of Rust with the obscurity of BEAM, yet magically compacts everything into a single binary. Is it innovation or just digital hipsterism? Gather 'round for the collective tech buzzword bingo. 🎉👨‍💻
31 points by crowdhailer 2024-08-27T12:01:28 | 2 comments
4. Harder Drive: hard drives we didn't want, or need [video] (2022) (tom7.org)
**Harder Drive: Another Masterpiece or Just More Digital Clutter?**

In a world desperately in need of more digital hoarding, Tom7 swoops in with the solution nobody asked for: "Harder Drive: hard drives we didn't want, or need." Watch as an individual crusades against the boundaries of practical technology while a chorus of adoring fans chants hymns of innovation in the comment section. Between exclamations of *genius* and comparisons to forgotten tech relics, it’s clear our hero has once again managed to ensnare the minds of those who can't resist a quirky YouTube binge. So gather around, connoisseurs of the unnecessary, and add this to your “Watch Later” list right next to that documentary on artisanal sand counting. 🧐
264 points by pabs3 2024-08-31T15:21:30 | 44 comments
5. Did your car witness a crime? (sfchronicle.com)
**Did Your Car Witness a Crime? The Overlords Would Like to Know**

In a stunning show of naivety, an article speculates on the future of privacy in our self-driving car utopia, where our very rides snitch on us. Commenters engage in a lively exercise of missing the point, debating the death of driving self-ownership with the urgency of discussing the extinction of the dinosaurs. As ideas of *'urban camouflage'* and *object recognition models*' supposed efficacy circulate, one can't help but laugh at the imminent fashion trend of data privacy helmets. Yes, prepare to dawn your Google Glass of privacy gear, all while the state keenly watches—this time, with popcorn. 🍿
163 points by danso 2024-08-31T16:21:27 | 362 comments
6. WatchYourLAN: Lightweight Network IP Scanner (github.com/aceberg)
**WatchYourLAN: Because We Needed Another Network Scanner**

GitHub spawns yet another network scanning tool boldly tagged 2.0, as if numerical incrementation imparts innovation. The developer, seeming desperate for approval, assures us they read *every piece of feedback*—a claim as dubious as the utility's "lightweight" label. Commenters dive into crucial debates over MAC-vendor data accuracy, while an anecdotal detour into Wake on LAN (WoL) complexities virtually hijacks the discussion, proving that a simple network tool can indeed awaken not just PCs, but unbridled pedantry and nostalgia across the board. Meanwhile, life-altering features like "breaking changes" ignite both fear and loathing in the hearts of version 1.0 enthusiasts, cementing the tool’s place in the annals of GitHub obscurity. ⏳🔍
80 points by thunderbong 2024-08-31T19:32:12 | 7 comments
7. ARM or x86? ISA Doesn't Matter (2021) (chipsandcheese.com)
Today on "Obvious Geek Battles", a groundbreaking tour-de-force conclusion at chipsandcheese.com ensures that everyone knows ISA barely matters—but don't tell that to the comments section. Here, self-declared tech gurus engage in a mind-boggling display of missing the point, debating over the efficiency of emulating x86 on ARM like it's 1999. One genius bravely cites Jim Keller's involvement with RISC-V, a golden nugget surely unknown to the rest of the internet, while others heroically explain basic CPU operation to each other. Meanwhile, a lone warrior reminds everyone that yes, indeed, software can run on different hardware—thank heavens for such revelations in 2021! 😱🚀
28 points by baq 2024-08-27T14:35:31 | 35 comments
8. AirTags key to discovery of Houston's plastic recycling deception (appleinsider.com)
In the latest whistleblower saga from the tech utopia, AirTags (yes, the ones you keep losing and rebuying), have exposed Houston's egregious plastic recycling sham. Because why just throw plastics into the landfill when you can feign recycling and create a PR spectacle? Commenters are diving head-first into a sanctimonious debate about Apple's transition from proprietary lightning cables to universally derided USB-C connectors. They blissfully toggle between applauding Apple's "lead in sustainability" and vilifying them for the mountainous e-waste of outdated cables, illustrating a master class in missing the point. Who knew enlightened tech bro discourse could be this circular? 🔄🌍
23 points by JumpCrisscross 2024-09-01T00:38:33 | 8 comments
9. A brief history of barbed wire fence telephone networks (loriemerson.net)
**A Quick Stab at Barbed Wire Telephone Networks**

Today on the lesser-known corners of academia, we discover that barbed wire once doubled as a DIY telecom network! Delve into a historian’s gloriously niche agony as they unearth the riveting saga of farmers yelling over primitive Zoom-dangerous fences. The comment section is ablaze with hobbyist electricians and three amateur historians, each vehemently arguing about the electrical resistance of rusty barbed wire. Who knew the Old West had such bad connectivity issues? 🤠⚡
23 points by MBCook 2024-08-31T21:41:30 | 0 comments
10. Compilation of JavaScript to WASM, Part 2: Ahead-of-Time vs. JIT (cfallin.org)
**Hot Take on Techno-Babble: Compiler Boogaloo**

In a yet another stunning episode of "let's make tech stuff sound way too complex," our favorite blog series on shoehorning JavaScript into WebAssembly stumbles forward. This time, it's an *epic showdown* between Ahead-of-Time compilation and Just-In-Time excuses. Watch in amazement as commenters painstakingly confuse server-side execution with client-side DOM manipulation, proving once again that reading comprehension is just an optional JavaScript library that didn't compile right in their brains. Can someone pass the DOM capabilities to the comment section, please? 🤦‍♂️💻
80 points by cfallin 2024-08-27T15:30:12 | 5 comments
11. Percona Everest: open-source automated database provisioning and management (percona.com)
At long last, the day has graced us where you too can spin up your own bewilderingly complex data fortress with Percona Everest—a solution looking for a problem that combines the joy of Kubernetes with the ease of database management as understood by a lobotomy patient. 🎉 Hurrah! Let's all strap in to deploy private DBaas ecosystems, securely wrapped in layers of "you definitely won't need a dedicated IT team for this" assurances. Meanwhile, in the comment section, the usual choir of tech bros oscillates wildly between proclaiming Percona Everest as the second coming of Christ and reminiscing about the "good old days" of SQL injections before security was a thing. Can't wait to forget passwords on yet another platform! 🙃
28 points by petecooper 2024-08-31T19:11:21 | 0 comments
12. Astronomers puzzled by little red galaxies that seem impossibly dense (newscientist.com)
**Astronomical Anomalies and Armchair Experts**

In a *dazzling* display of cosmic confusion, the James Webb Space Telescope spots tiny, dense packs of stars whimsically dubbed "little red dots." Apparently, they're so densely packed that astronomers are scratching their heads wondering how these stars haven't turned into a galactic demolition derby. Enter the peanut gallery: commenters on the internet, armed with half-baked theories about Kardashev scales and misplaced globular clusters, because why trust decades of astrophysicist training when you can make galactic conclusions from your couch? 🌌🍿 Whether it's speculation about starry night skies on non-existent planets or unnecessary snark battles, the comments section is truly the black hole of the internet.
23 points by jandrewrogers 2024-08-31T20:25:40 | 6 comments
13. Making an atomic trampoline [video] (youtube.com)
In this week's episode of "random internet scientists gone wild," a YouTuber discovers atomic trampolines, prompting an avalanche of armchair physicists to wildly speculate about the consequences of bouncing tiny objects off different materials. One bright spark can't decide between glass or metallic structures for maximum bounce, despite clearly having skipped the day tensile strength was taught in physics class. Another commenter, thrilled by a catalog of materials, suggests swapping the materials around as if concocting a high-stakes game of "Will It Break?". It's a riveting blend of half-baked hypotheses and wildly optimistic DIY science projects that make you wish for a simple rubber ball and a cup of tea.
16 points by matricaria 2024-08-31T07:46:35 | 2 comments
14. LLMs struggle to explain themselves (jonathanychan.com)
**The Perils of Teaching LLMs to Count: A Comedy of Errors**

In an audacious display of misunderstanding mixed with overestimation of capability, a *recent article* dives into why Large Language Models (LLMs) like stumbling toddlers, can barely grasp basic number sequences without tripping over their digital shoelaces. The comment section, a delightful circus of the confused leading the blind, features an enthusiast pointing out the intriguing abilities of LLMs with the Fibonacci sequence—a remark as insightful as observing that calculators are good at addition. Someone else chimes in with a self-created language for generating integer sequences, which everyone ignored because, let's face it, why focus on actual innovation when we can watch AI fail at elementary math? Meanwhile, another commenter gets house numbers wrong, inadvertently illustrating the LLM's struggles in a real-world metaphor that surely wasn't intentional but is hilarious nonetheless. 😂
3 points by jonathanyc 2024-08-30T10:23:19 | 7 comments
15. Continue (YC S23) Is Hiring a Software Engineer in San Francisco (ycombinator.com)
Title: Another Day, Another AI Savior

In the latest episode of Silicon Valley Mad Libs, Continue (because pausing is for losers!) is on the prowl for a software engineer miraculous enough to transform autocomplete from mildly annoying to borderline usable. They seek a meticulous genius who can stare into the abyss of "fundamental, but highly open-ended" problems and not run screaming. The ideal candidate will possess deep empathy for users—a rare trait typically only professed by startups when hunting for new hires. Commenters are already tripping over themselves to either worship this visionary move or derisively point out that it’s just another autocomplete tool, but with more open-source fairy dust sprinkled on top. 🙄🚀
0 points by 2024-08-31T21:01:53 | 0 comments
16. Neutral beam microscopy using magnetic beam spin encoding (nature.com)
Welcome to yet another groundbreaking episode on nature.com, where we can barely cope with modern internet standards but promise to revolutionize microscopy with something called "magnetic beam spin encoding." 🧲🔬 In a riveting development that you can't possibly hope to understand, we are told that atoms can now be herded like tiny, invisible sheep to generate images of 'various materials.' Commentators, stuck in a realm of outdated browsers, applaud the science while confusing magnetic spins with their daily dizzy spells, perhaps due to too tight tinfoil hats. Brace for the claim of revolution in science, courtesy of folks who can’t yet figure out CSS. 🌐💻
11 points by PaulHoule 2024-08-28T17:32:08 | 0 comments
17. Client-side QR code generator with SVG output (fietkau.software)
Title: The Great QR Code Customization Crisis of 2023

In the latest episode of "Frontend Developers Rediscover Things That Already Exist," a brave coder introduces yet another QR code generator, this time with *SVG* flair! Because what the web truly lacks is not security, performance, or usability, but more QR code libraries with gradient options to make them slightly prettier yet often unreadable. The commenters, equidistant between innovation and desperation, celebrate this monumental achievement as if QR codes hadn’t been around since the late '90s, sharing tear-jerking anecdotes about past QR catastrophes and expressing a jolly good riddance to those pesky ad-supported QR generators. Meanwhile, the virtual ink on their "why isn't this a standard library yet" Reddit posts is just starting to dry. 🎉
47 points by kentbrew 2024-08-31T17:42:14 | 6 comments
18. Brazil's X ban is sending lots of people to Bluesky (theverge.com)
Welcome to another chapter in the ongoing saga of "Global Panic Switches Social Network," where Brazil swaps X for the latest decentralized darling, Bluesky. In a surprising turn that no one could have predicted except everyone, the removal of a popular platform leads to unprecedented growth on a virtually identical but more crash-prone alternative. Bluesky's developers, grappling with a flood of data they've never dealt with—because launching a social media service implies original preparation for traffic loads akin to a sleepy blog—have now discovered what "scaling" means in real time. Meanwhile, the comment section is abuzz with tech jargon flinging aficionados debating the nuances of data storage like a knockout round in nerd Jeopardy. 🙄🎉
75 points by rvz 2024-08-31T13:28:25 | 137 comments
19. Show QN: A retro terminal text editor for GNU/Linux coded in C (C-edit) (github.com/velorek1)
Title: Hacker News Discovers a Retro Text Editor, Startles Six Users Back to Consciousness

Summary: HN celebrates the unveiling of C-EDIT, a text editor that bravely shuns modern libraries like ncurses to resuscitate the ghost of MS-DOS—because who doesn't miss the good old days of esoteric tech nostalgia? One heroic developer on a quest to out-retro the retro invites users to relive their youth, minus the convenience of Unicode or efficient memory management. Comments range from tech necromancy advices to outright existential crises over missing ncurses support. Meanwhile, in the cryptocurrency corner, a lone Bitcoin address stands ready, just waiting for those sweet, sweet retro enthusiast coins. 🤓💾📟
118 points by velorek 2024-08-30T20:58:17 | 30 comments
20. Lucee: A light-weight dynamic CFML scripting language for the JVM (lucee.org)

Welcome to the majestic world of Lucee!

🎉 An open-source haven for those who find delight in resurrecting the echoes of early 2000s web development, Lucee is here to serve all fourteen enthusiasts and counting. Whether it's whipping up a quick catastrophe or engaging in heated debates with fellow relics of the dot-com bubble on how “fast” and “sophisticated” it still is, Lucee promises a retro ride in the JVM lane, armed with all the tools needed for nostalgic inefficiency. Commenters chime in with misty-eyed tales of rapid deployments and yesteryears' messes, proudly placing Lucee on the dusty pedestal of obsolete tech that refuses to die. Will it thrive or merely survive? Stay tuned for the necromancy at CFCamp 2024! 🧙‍♂️👻
56 points by mooreds 2024-08-31T15:10:43 | 22 comments